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Kinsta Hosting Complete Review in 2021 (All Features)



Features List of Kinsta Hosting

Here’s the awesome list of features that you get when you sign up for Kinsta hosting.

  • Offers you fully managed WordPress hosting (which offers excellent website speeds)
  • Free website migrations performed by their expert team (so you can easily migrate from your existing web host to Kinsta hosting)
  • Daily automatic backups
  • Free SSL certificate, SSH for developers and SFTP
  • Gives you access to multi-user feature that allows you to add any number of users to your team
  • Free global CDN solution for all your sites
  • Access to Google Cloud Platform and Google’s global premium tier network
  • Uses ultimate technology like Nginx, PHP 7.4, LXD software
  • Easy to use dashboard where you can manage everything from bandwidth to installing SSL certificates
  • Excellent analytics to easily track your website visitors, bandwidth usage, response times etc
  • Acts as an incredible WordPress hosting tool to easily manage your sites at one place
  • You can choose from 23 global server locations
  • A one-click staging environment is also provided (so you can make live changes without any hassle)
  • No fixed term contract (upgrade, downgrade or cancel your hosting plan anytime you want)
  • 24/7 monitoring for uptime, DDoS attack detection, software-based restrictions, SSL support, self-healing PHP etc
  • Secured behind Google Cloud Platform firewall
  • Automatic MySQL database optimizations to fine-tune your MySQL database based on the needs of your WP site
  • Offers you 30 days money-back guarantee along with prorated refunds

Did you like their hosting features? Then, use the following link to sign up for Kinsta hosting.

Top 5 Features That Make Kinsta Hosting An Ideal Solution for WordPress Users

1. Extremely easy to use dashboard

Kinsta had built their own control panel which is exclusively made for WordPress users. The good thing about Kinsta’s dashboard is that it is extremely easy to use even for WordPress newbies.

From easy and quick backups to traffic analytics to CDN usage and more, you can find almost everything you need on their dashboard.

If you’re curious to know how the dashboard of Kinsta looks like, have a look.

kinsta dashboard

As you can see above, you can access literally everything from Kinsta dashboard including;

  • Managing your sites at one place
  • Resource usage (along with monthly visits, CDN sage, disk usage etc)
  • All your billing invoices
  • Data transfer
  • Unique number of visits
  • Site migrations
  • Analytics
  • Knowledgebase (to find all the helpful articles to manage your sites easily)
  • And the list goes on

If you’re already using a traditional cPanel on your existing host, you will find Kinsta’s dashboard more realistic and easy to use (once you migrate to their hosting servers).

2. Offers free daily backups, free website migrations, free CDN and staging

Kinsta offers you excellent features that most of the other web hosts don’t usually provide. We’ve listed some of those features below so you can easily decide whether their hosting is worth paying or not.

Free daily backups

What if you accidentally delete some of your website files or if you lose the data? Here’s where backups come into handy. There are a lot of premium tools like VaultPress, BackupBuddy etc that can help you take regular backups of your websites but they cost you money and put an extra load on your site when they are creating the backup.

Kinsta offers you daily backups for free of cost. At least once a day, they take backup of your whole sites so you can restore your files in case of loss. The great thing about their backup option is that they also offer separate backups on all environments including live and staging so your development efforts are also safe.

They also offer additional backups in case if you need them at an additional fee (that means, you can increase the backup frequency of your sites to every 6 hours or even every hour instead of 24 hours).

Free website migrations

Are you getting frustrated with your existing web host due to lack of security, speed related issues and so on? Moving to a reliable and faster web host can be a smart choice if you’re facing issues with your current web host.

But migrating to a new web host can be a daunting task for many (especially those who are not tech-savvy). Kinsta offers you unlimited free website migrations. Just grab their hosting, fill out the migration request form and their customer support team will move your sites to their hosting servers for free.

Free website migrations are available for all of Kinsta’s hosting plans including Starter, Business, Pro and Enterprise and you can migrate unlimited sites for free.

Free CDN with all the plans

We all want faster websites, right? Both Google and your website users love to see faster page loading times on your website. Using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) improves your website loading times.

Kinsta offers you free CDN with all the plans as they have partnered up with KeyCDN (which is available in 34 locations) to provide your website visitors a faster user experience across the world. In case if you’re already using CDN, Kinsta supports 3rd party CDN integration sites like Cloudflare, Stackpath etc.

SSD storage on all plans

Gone are the days where you can pick any web host which is cheaper. Now, everyone wants faster sites including Google. Having SSD storage enable web hosting makes a huge difference in your site loading times.

When you use a web hosting which is still using traditional HDDs (where the data read and write speeds are much slower because of the moving parts), your website users will often face slow loading time issues. Here’s where Kinsta excels where it offers you true SSD storage on all of their hosting plans.

SSD storage (Solid State Drives) are much faster due to faster access times and lower latency and provide your website users an ultimate and blazing fast website experience when they’re browsing.

Staging feature

Whether you want to test new WordPress versions or plugins before updating or trying out new PHP versions on your site or making design related changes to your website, staging feature comes in handy.

To put it simply, staging feature helps you make any changes to your site by preventing your website from being broken or unavailable (due to technical issues or broken plugins, themes etc).

Kinsta offers you free staging feature with all the plans so you can test your website however you want and publish it once it’s ready.

3. Superior security features

One of the primary reasons to invest money on a web host like Kinsta is its security features. Most cheap web hosts don’t care about how secure their hosting network or servers are, that’s the reason why you should avoid such hosts and pick premium hosts like Kinsta.

Here are a few great security features offered by Kinsta hosting which makes your sites safe from all security vulnerabilities and attacks.

Free hack fix for your websites

Thousands of WordPress websites get hacked every single day. You never know who’s trying to hack your site or finding new ways to inject malicious code into your WordPress site.

Here’s where Kinsta’s “free fix for your websites” guarantee comes into rescue in case if your websites are hacked. Although they always keep an eye on their servers and constantly monitors their network but if there’s a suspicious activity is found like a plugin or theme vulnerability, it’ll be dealt by their expert support team immediately.

Uptime checks for every 2 minutes

Uptime is the amount of time your website is available for your website users. You don’t want to deal with a web host that doesn’t care about their uptime as it matters a lot especially when there’s a flash sale going on your websites or eCommerce stores.

Fortunately, Kinsta hosting checks your websites for uptime for every 2 minutes and starts resolving the issue almost instantly. Isn’t it incredible?

DDoS protection

A denial-of-service (DDoS attack) is one of the common attacks used by hackers to get access to a website. So if you want to stay safe from such attacks, you can install a security plugin like Sucuri security, iThemes security etc.

But with Kinsta hosting, you don’t have to install any additional security plugins or create firewalls to safeguard your sites from DDoS attacks as it provides DDoS protection to all the websites hosted on their hosting network.

Free SSL certificates

No one likes to browse a website which is not secured, you’ll literally see no one buying from a non-secured http version website. HTTPS secured version websites are mandatory as Google also started rewarding secured sites.

To be able to move from http to https version, you need to install SSL certificates. Kinsta hosting offers you SSL certificates at free of cost so you can easily run secured https version on your WordPress websites or eCommerce portals.

SSH access on all plans

Previously SSH access was available only to Business 1 and higher plans on Kinsta but now it’s available for all users (even on the starter plan). SSH (Secured Shell) is usually used to log into a remote machine and execute commands, perform common system admin tasks and so on.

That being said, SSH should be used only if you’re familiar with it, using wrong commands can instantly break your site.

Offers hardware firewalls for your websites

With every single plan, hardware firewalls are used to prevent access to your website’s data.

Not only that, Kinsta also provides extra security measurements such as 2-factor authentication, GeoIP blocking and automatically ban IPs that have more than 6 failed login attempts within a minute.

All in all, Kinsta offers you exceptional hosting features to safeguard your site from all the hackers.

4. #1 premium managed hosting for WordPress

Kinsta is NOT just another hosting. It’s a managed hosting platform for WordPress sites. There’s a huge difference between regular shared hosting platforms vs managed hosting platforms.

Kinsta uses LXD managed hosts and orchestrated LXC software containers for each site hosted on their hosting platform. In case if you’re wondering about the difference between shared vs managed hosting, here are a few of them.

Shared hosting is all about installing a ton of different websites onto a single server. Usually, this is done by various web hosts such as HostGator, Bluehost, SiteGround, etc to keep their costs down.

Here’s where a managed hosting platform like Kinsta comes into play where each WordPress site is hosted on its own isolated container with all the requirements required to run them including Linux, Nginx, PHP, MariaDB and so on.

All the hosting resources which are hosted on managed hosting platform are 100% private and they are not shared with anyone else (including your own sites).

Kinsta uses Google Cloud data centers which are located in 23 places across the world. These are the same Google Cloud data centers that are used by big brands like Apple, Spotify, Coca Cola, Snapchat, etc.

That means you can pick any datacenter out of those 23 data centers for optimal speeds for your website users.

So if you’re looking for blazing-fast website speeds, superior security along with daily backups, a managed hosting platform like Kinsta is just for you.

In a nutshell, the #1 difference between shared hosting and managed hosting platform is the resource allocation, security features, faster website speeds etc – that’s also the reason why you get cheaper hosting from web hosts like Bluehost at just $3 per month whereas you need to shell out around $30 per month for managed hosts like Kinsta.

5. 24/7 customer support assistance from WordPress experts

Another biggest reason to consider managed web hosts like Kinsta is that it offers you expert WordPress customer support. It doesn’t matter whether you’re running a small website or an eCommerce store or a high traffic website, you must pick a web host which offers you top notch customer support.

Why? When you’re building and managing websites, there are a ton of things that can go wrong starting from WordPress maintenance to security issues to downtime, updates etc.

Fortunately, Kinsta offers expert WordPress support who knows the ins and outs about WordPress including troubleshooting, server maintenance, theme and plugin building and maintenance, contributing to WordPress core and so on.

Kinsta provides 24/7/365 customer support assistance with 100% solve rate (it doesn’t matter whether your site gets hacked or issues with SSL certificates, they’ll fix them all for you). They also offer “live chat” option where you can get instant replies from their team.

Kinsta Pricing Plans

So how much does Kinsta hosting cost you? Kinsta hosting offers 4 major types of hosting plans which are listed below.

  1. Starter plan
  2. Pro plan
  3. Business plans
  4. Enterprise plans

Let’s talk about each one of the above mentioned 4 hosting plans offered by Kinsta hosting so you can decide the right hosting plan that suits your website needs.

1. Starter plan

This is the basic managed WordPress hosting plan from Kinsta which costs you $30 per month where you can install 1 website. Here’s what you’ll get with Starter plan from Kinsta hosting.

  • Install 1 website
  • Handles up to 20,000 monthly visits
  • 10 GB of storage space
  • 50 GB of free CDN
  • Free SSL
  • Free website migration is provided for 1 website
  • Automatic daily backups
  • Backups are stored for a minimum of 14 days
  • Access to staging area

2. Pro plan

If you want to install more than 1 website with higher monthly visits limit, Pro plan is for you which costs you $60 per month and here are the features of Pro plan from Kinsta hosting.

  • Install 2 websites
  • Handles up to 40,000 monthly visits
  • 20 GB of storage space
  • 100 GB of free CDN
  • Free SSL
  • Free website migration is provided for 2 websites
  • Automatic daily backups
  • Backups are stored for a minimum of 14 days
  • Access to staging area
  • Multisite support
  • Site cloning

3. Business plans

If you want to install multiple sites with higher monthly visits limit along with more storage space, you should go for business plans from Kinsta hosting. Kinsta offers you the following 4 plans in Business category.

  1. Business 1 (costs you $100 per month)
  2. Business 2 (costs you $200 per month)
  3. Business 3 (costs you $300 per month)
  4. Business 4 (costs you $400 per month)

Here’s the list of features that you get with Business plans from Kinsta hosting.

  • Install 5 to 40 websites (depending on the plan)
  • Handles sites from 100,000 to 600,000 monthly visits (depending on the plan)
  • 30 GB to 60 GB of storage space (depending on the plan)
  • 200 GB to 500 GB of free CDN (depending on the plan)
  • Free SSL
  • Free website migration is provided for 3 to 4 websites (depending on the plan)
  • Automatic daily backups
  • Backups are stored for a minimum of 14 days to 20 days (depending on the plan)
  • Access to staging area
  • Multisite support
  • Site cloning
  • Recommended for eCommerce sites along with membership sites

4. Enterprise plans

If you’re running a high traffic website which is getting huge number of monthly visitors (starting from million visits a month), you should prefer Enterprise plans from Kinsta hosting which are further divided into 4 plans that are mentioned below.

  1. Enterprise 1 (costs you $600 per month)
  2. Enterprise 2 (costs you $900 per month)
  3. Enterprise 3 (costs you $1200 per month)
  4. Enterprise 4 (costs you $1500 per month)

Here’s the ultimate list of features that you’ll get with Enterprise plans from Kinsta hosting.

  • Install 60 to 150 websites (depending on the plan)
  • Handles sites from 1 million to 3 million monthly visits (depending on the plan)
  • 100 GB to 250 GB of storage space (depending on the plan)
  • 1000 GB of free CDN (with all the Enterprise plans)
  • Free SSL
  • Free website migration is provided for up to 5 websites (with all the Enterprise plans)
  • Automatic daily backups
  • Backups are stored for a minimum of 30 days (with all the Enterprise plans)
  • Access to staging area
  • Multisite support
  • Site cloning
  • Recommended for eCommerce sites along with membership sites

Higher plans beyond Enterprise 4 are also available. In this case just reach out to them and they will tailor a plan for your unique needs.

So what are you still waiting for? Pick any of their hosting plans and get started with Kinsta hosting today.

Quick note: Kinsta hosting offers you 30 days money-back guarantee which includes all of their hosting plans cost ranging from Starter to Enterprise 4. How to start a blog with Kinsta hosting and how to avail 2 months of free hosting?

Are you interested in starting a blog with Kinsta and want to know how you can avail 2 months of free hosting? Here’s a simple step by step tutorial on how to do it.

Step 1: Click here to sign up for Kinsta and click on their plans to check out different hosting plans offered by Kinsta.

kinsta plans

Step 2: Once you’ve selected your preferred hosting plan from Kinsta, you’ll need to enter your information such as email, name, password etc.

Note that, you’ll get 2 months of free hosting when you sign up to their hosting for 12 months.

kinsta signup

Step 3: In the final step, you need to enter your billing details such as credit card details along with your address. That’s it, you’re done!

Step 4: Once you’re done with the payment, you’ll get a confirmation email from Kinsta along with your login details. Once you’re logged into Kinsta dashboard, select “Sites” in the left navigation and click on “Add Site” button.

kinsta wodpress

As you can see above, you can add a new site by selecting any of your preferred data center (23 choices available worldwide), pick a unique name for your site and choose “Add a brand new WordPress install” option if you want to install WordPress on your site automatically by Kinsta. That’s it, you’re done.

Once your site is up and running, you can start monitoring everything from traffic analytics to bandwidth to CDN usage and so on.

Pros And Cons of Kinsta Hosting

This Kinsta review 2021 will be incomplete with listing their hosting pros and cons, so here they are.

Pros of Kinsta hosting:

Here’s the list of benefits you get with Kinsta hosting.

  • Offers you free daily website backups (which is great just in case if you accidentally lose any of your website files as you can easily restore them instantly)
  • Offers excellent security (along with free hack fix guarantee which means, they’ll fix your site for you if it gets hacked)
  • Free SSL
  • Free CDN
  • Gives you access to 23 Google Cloud Platform data centers for each of your sites
  • Offers really simple dashboard where you can manage everything from bandwidth to space
  • It also offers you monthly billing cycles (which is really great if you don’t want to pay for 12 months at once, although you get 2 months free hosting when you go for their yearly billing cycle)
  • You’ll have access to staging area
  • You’ll get excellent 24×7 customer support assistance from WordPress experts
  • Free website migrations (so you can easily migrate from your existing host to Kinsta without any additional cost)
  • Easily scalable (you can upgrade or downgrade your plans according to the number of visitors you are generating to your sites)
  • WooCommerce optimized server environment

Cons of Kinsta hosting:

Here are a few drawbacks of Kinsta hosting.

  • Expensive when compared to shared hosting plans from web hosts like Bluehost, SiteGround, HostGator etc (that being said, Kinsta is a great managed hosting for WordPress, which is worth every penny)
  • Limited number of WordPress installations are allowed for basic plans such as Starter (only 1 install) and Pro (only 2 installs)

FAQs About Kinsta Hosting

Here are a few interesting questions around Kinsta hosting that you might want to know in 2021 before opting for their hosting plans.

1. Is there any Kinsta coupon code available?

No, as of now, there are no discounts or coupon codes provided by Kinsta hosting. But you can get 2 months hosting for free if you opt for their annual hosting i.e yearly hosting plan.

You can use this link to get started with their yearly hosting plan to get 2 months hosting at free of cost.

2. Do I need managed WordPress hosting like Kinsta?

For smaller sites with very less website traffic or hobby sites, Kinsta may not be the right hosting choice (considering the cost of their pricing plans) but if you’re looking to make money from blogging and considering your website as a business, Kinsta can be a great investment.

Kinsta offers you everything from easy to use dashboard to free website migrations to extremely fast websites to expert WordPress support – which makes it an ideal hosting solution for most WordPress users.

3. Does Kinsta offer backups?

Yes, Kinsta offers daily backups for FREE on all the hosting plans so you don’t have to invest additional money on premium backup plugins like BackupBuddy, VaultPress, UpdraftPlus etc and you can also restore your backup storing points with just one click from Kinsta’s dashboard.

4. What’s the cheapest hosting plan from Kinsta?

Starter plan from Kinsta is the cheapest and starter managed hosting plan from Kinsta which costs you $30 per month where you can install 1 website which can easily handle up to 20,000 monthly visits. You’ll get 10 GB of storage space, 50 GB of free CDN along with free automatic daily backups.

5. What’s the money back guarantee offered by Kinsta?

Kinsta offers you a 30 days money back guarantee, so you can get 100% of your money back if you ask for a refund within 30 days. The best part with Kinsta is that, if you cancel your hosting account after the first 30 days, they’ll refund the unused portion of your hosting plan’s subscription (be it monthly or annual plans). That’s a fair approach!

Final Thoughts About Kinsta Hosting

If you’re looking to migrate your website from your existing host to a better managed web host, Kinsta can be really a great choice. Or if you’re looking to build a WordPress site on a faster managed hosting platform, you should definitely consider hosting from Kinsta.

Kinsta is great for everyone, including small business owners to eCommerce sites to large enterprise-level websites as they have suitable hosting plans for everyone.

So what are you waiting for? Start your website on Kinsta hosting today and make sure to leave your thoughts about our Kinsta review in the comments below.

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